Meet Porky the Possum!
During kitchen or bathroom renovations, we occasionally come across a few ‘unknowns’ as is expected. However, these usually consist of uninteresting things such as a colony of cockroaches, water damaged timbers, dead rats, asbestos, owls and old newspapers.
During a bathroom rip-out, one morning, we found a very large possum stuck in the wall which made a change from the ubiquitous cockroaches. We don’t know who was the most surprised, our client and tradesman or the possum who has been named Porky by our client.
Due to a combined rescue effort, our tradesman and our client managed to remove the villaboard from the walls to release him. But Porky refused to enter the cat carrier and instead ran up and down the wall studs and then legged it off down the hall and out the front door – unfortunately, a little scared so left a trail of wee en-route giving our tradesman’s drop sheets a very fragrant odour!!!
Rescuing possums is not generally in our remit but as we are all animal lovers, we are always happy to help!!!