What Will You Cook With In Your New Kitchen?

There are plenty of exciting decisions to make when it comes to your new kitchen. Our specialist team at Craftbuilt Kitchens will discuss and guide you every step of the way in making the right choices that will suit you now and for many years to come.

Thinking carefully about your choices now will mean you won’t have any regrets later. As you will spend many hours in the kitchen it is important you get it right. Choosing what you will cook with, is one of the most important decisions you will need to make.

Bills come thick and fast in the running of a household and how you cook will contribute to this. Deciding on whether to go gas or electric will influence not only your cooking style but also your bills. Let’s take a look at some considerations in order to help you feel more informed about which way to go.

What Is Available?

The first important thing to consider is what is available in your area. While all homes are connected to electricity and are able to make use of this, some home owners have the luxury to choose between the two. On the other hand some may find there has not yet been a connection for gas made to the home.

This could be a factor that will affect your decision. If there are no gas pipelines connected to your home you can certainly look into having this done if you are really keen on gas, you just then need to factor in that cost.

The Cost to You

If you decide you wish to have gas installed you will need to contact a distributor to enquire about the cost to have this done. As for costs of running in the long run, there is a long standing debate on this. The cost of gas is certainly on the rise and with new ‘smart’ technology appliances; choosing electricity is not necessarily the more expensive option anymore.

The Cost to The Environment

Where it was previously thought that gas was the best choice for the environment, the argument is different if you are running electricity off solar panels, for example. There is a research group, Beyond Zero Emissions, who are now suggesting that getting rid of gas will be a far greener option.

Making this choice will require some investigations yourself into what you think is best. Thankfully, many of the appliances produced now are done so with the environment in mind.

Talk to our team at Craftbuilt Kitchens today to learn more about your choices, as well as what we recommend.

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