The Cat In The Showroom: A Crakit Story (Part 2)
You’ve read the story about how a black cat came into the Craftbuilt Kitchens showroom.
But in case you missed it, read the full story here: Crakit Story Part 1.
Now, back in the showroom, she has certainly cracked her way into the hearts of the Craftbuilt Kitchens staff. Her name, Crakit, fits just right. Crakit is a very sweet and affectionate little girl. Every morning, she likes a good pat and then breakfast. After eating she comes behind the reception desk for more pats and cuddles from Caroline or Belinda. She understands that it’s the humans’ job to feed her and would become quite fussy and turn her nose up if she doesn’t like the food.
Her favourite place is the black chair so as not to draw too much attention of those who visit the showroom. With her healthy black fur, she blends in well with the chair. Secretly, she looks over each kitchen display and nods her head in approval when a client chooses a design. When Belinda or Caroline is away, she takes their place on the black chair.
Crakit spends most of the day indoors and likes to share in what the ladies are having for lunch. She never forgets to put in a little bit of exercise every day. They would play “chasey” to get the ladies off their chairs. Knowing she’s a fast cat, she would run out the back and zip under the fence. In triumph, she likes to roll in the dirt to show she knows she won.
Such is the life of a Craftbuilt Kitchens cat. She would hold dominion over all of the kitchen exhibit displays and isn’t too careless when it comes to greeting the clients. She adores visitors in her kitchen kingdom. Like a princess, she comes and goes as she pleases throughout the day.
It was already too late, the humans at Craftbuilt Kitchens already love her and, sensing this, she has grown to love them too. Such is the life of a spoilt cat with daily belly rubs and treats.